In an alternate reality, the former Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Kimberly Hart is brainwashed by Lord Drakkon and becomes the Ranger Slayer.
IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From the Beast Morphers back to the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Power Rangers have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to generations of fans. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles, and role-play toys from Hasbro, celebrating ranger teams from Mighty Morphin to the Beast Morphers. Imagine all the action of Power Rangers with toys from Hasbro! (Power Rangers toys sold separately. Subject to availability.)
This 6-inch Lightning Collection Ranger Slayer figure features premium paint and decorative details inspired by the show, over 20 points of articulation for high poseability, Bow of Darkness and multiple other character-inspired accessories, and blast effect piece for more ways to play or display. Go Go Power Rangers!